Tom Comitta:
Born to Run (2018, 45:34)
Born to Run is an audio chapbook that collages descriptions of running and jogging from over 60 novels. There's everything in here from Stephen King's The Running Man to Cynthia Voigt's The Runner, with a sprinkling of Charles Dickens, Agatha Christie and Samuel R. Delany. To experience this piece, a listener would get on a treadmill, elliptical or any artificial exercise device, put on headphones and press play.
Thank you to Sophia Wang and Lisa Rybovich Crallé for creating a space and context for this piece. For more information on literary supercuts — mine and others — check out this conversation between me and Jez Burrows published by The Believer in May 2018.
Tom Comitta is the author of ◯ (Ugly Ducking Presse), Airport Novella (Troll Thread), SENT (Invisible Venue) and First Thought Worst Thought: Collected Books 2011-2014 (Gauss PDF), a print and digital archive of 40 "night novels," art books and poetry. In 2017 he and Fire Drill staged Bill: The Musikill, an experimental musical, as part of Minneapolis's Momentum dance festival, commissioned by The Walker Art Center, The Cowles Center, and other local organizations. Previously based in the Bay Area, he now lives in Los Angeles.